Create and Sell an NFT/Artwork


In today's dynamic art world, artists are increasingly turning to Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) to transform their creations into unique digital assets. NFTs offer a secure way to sell and maintain ownership of original works while connecting with vibrant communities of potential buyers. Despite occasional security concerns, NFTs have firmly established themselves as a valuable asset class in the art world. Even physical galleries now showcase NFT collections. NFTs endow digital assets with irreplaceable authenticity and unity, enhancing their value through blockchain-backed proof of ownership. The future of art sales and ownership is intrinsically tied to the boundless potential of NFTs.

What is an NFT?

NFT is an example of non-fungibility, which is in stark contrast to the concept of duality. The NFT pioneer, "Quantum" came out in May 2014 as a published video clip, eventually selling for just $4. Today, the NFT market has grown to a staggering $1.8 trillion, per CoinMarketCap. But what exactly defines NFT? To understand its essence, we must first distinguish it from exchangeable tokens. Consider two different one-dollar bills—they are interchangeable and have the same value, which shows efficiency. Conversely, NFT is like having a Picasso masterpiece; His exchange for a three-year-old doodle is incomparable. According to fintech professor Merav Ozair, a blockchain expert at Rutgers Business School, this distinction is deeply rooted in our history. Ozair goes on to explain that exchangeable assets are no different from each other—take Bitcoin for example, Unlike the quintessential fungible token that can be exchanged per unit without changing its value, NFTs are unique blockchain tokens that can be replaced in blockchains or across blockchains.

How to create an NFT?

Embarking on the successful journey of creating NFT is like being an artist who understands the art of minting, the tools and platforms involved, and how the reward magic works. Imagine adding the perfect finishing touch to your creation - metadata. When you're ready to list your tokens, essential information such as titles, descriptions, and links to images or videos must be provided. This information, like the artist’s signature, confirms the product’s authenticity and is required by most markets. Now, there are ways you can mint NFTs. You have your standard options like Ethereum’s ERC-721 protocol, like using traditional materials for your art. But there are also specialty providers like miniOrange, who offer a whole box of solutions for those who want something truly unique. As NFT technology evolves and captures more hearts, it’s important to explore all your options. Like an artist experimenting with new techniques, thorough research ensures that your digital design stands out and earns its place in the world of NFT.

What is the Minting of NFTs?

MINTING — that’s what you do when starting to mint an NFT. In other words, minting an artwork implies converting your digitally created piece of work to an NFT or tokenized version. This comprises pushing it onto an explicit commercial center stage and distributing tokens for acknowledgment. The only caveat is once you’ve minted your artwork as an NFT in one marketplace, do not repeat it in another marketplace. The majority of the platforms have strict protocols, where they reserve themselves the right to cancel out the NFT and also block you (or sometimes both) if you try minting that piece on another platform. But you should be aware that you still own any copyrights on the original artwork behind the NFT you created. That way you can keep selling your work through prints, merchandise, or even onward sales (licensing) as desired. Whereas collectors are eligible for different rights, they have the power to sell/trade/transfer NFTs but cannot engage in an act of copying and minting the same NFT, imposing the viewing costs, and using the NFT in derivatives objects.

This leads us to a pivotal question: are NFTs protected by copyright? There isn’t a good chance that NFTs in and of themselves qualify for Copyright, as they do not meet the fundamental requirements for this protection. In short, NFTs are data that is recorded on the blockchain — and that’s not copyrightable material. But remember that your artwork still might be under copyright protection. Therefore, make sure not to mint an artwork that is NOT your own or that you have not worked with other artists on. In the U.S. and Canada, copyright covers only the expression of an idea, not the idea or concept itself. It implies if you wish for your innovative thought to be ensured under the copyright then it must be “stuck” onto some practical medium.

How to Sell Your Artwork as an NFT?

  1. Create your Digital Wallet: Start with your digital wallet Imagine having your own digital wallet – like you keep in your pocket, but to use for cryptocurrencies. This particular wallet doesn’t hold cash but those digital coins you’ve heard about. The world of NFT is your key, where you can store your valuable crypto and use it to buy and sell amazing digital currencies, miniOrange is one of the largest NFT marketplaces out there and has a list of wallets compatible with the platform which dances well with the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum is the star of the show in the NFT world. So, having a matching wallet will make your NFT journey easier than ever.
  2. Select the miniOrange NFT Marketplace: When the wallet is active, you are ready to access the miniOrange NFT Marketplace. Here, you can list, mint, and sell your prized NFT artwork effortlessly. The MiniOrange NFT Marketplace boasts comprehensive support departments and a wealth of features, ensuring you have everything you need to get started on your NFT art buying and selling journey.
  3. Purchase Cryptocurrency: The trending cryptocurrency for the NFT art market is Ethereum (ETH).Ethereum is one of the leading blockchains globally, making it a recognized cryptocurrency.It is worth noting that no matter what cryptocurrency you choose, transactions on the blockchain have costs, including mint and listing fees, and therefore, you will need to have some ETH as an initial investment beforehand you've been able to start the process of listing your artwork for sale.
  4. Link your Wallet to the miniOrange NFT Marketplace: Now, it's time to establish a connection between your digital wallet and the marketplace. On miniOrange, look for the wallet icon in the top right corner. With just a few clicks, you can create your Metamask coins effortlessly.
  5. Upload the file you wish to transform into an NFT: Now that your wallet is set up, charged with cryptocurrency, and ready to market, you are all set to start shipping and selling your NFT art.
  6. Choose to host an Auction or set a fixed price for your NFT: Within the miniOrange NFT marketplace, you generally have the option of choosing a sale channel line or a fixed price. These are the established ways of trading NFT.

For deeper insights into crafting your own NFT marketplace, you can visit the following blog.

At the auction, you have the option to set a reserve price, which is the minimum price required to trigger an NFT sale. If the reservation isn’t met, there will be hardly any sales. On the other hand, the fixed price is simply the price for the NFT. While fixed pricing offers the advantage of predictable and immediate sales, auctions can provide unpredictability, sometimes driving prices much higher than if NFT is labeled with a fixed value.

Ultimately, pricing your NFT is up to you. It is important to remember that the NFT art market is becoming increasingly competitive. To command a higher floor price, you’ll need to prove the uniqueness of your art, the incredible value of having your NFT, or an incredible combination of both.

Advantages and Disadvantages of selling an NFT Art:

Selling NFT art offers many unique advantages in this changing landscape, as well as some challenges, as long as you maintain realistic expectations:


  1. The NFT Art Sale provides an instant opportunity to showcase your creations to a global audience.
  2. Making NFT art is an incredibly flexible process that allows for the use of a wide variety of creative tools like Photoshop, Procreate, and Python and creating complex 3D models with software like Blender, or bringing your creations to life through animation, the possibilities are unlimited.
  3. NFT ownership not only gives backers access to upcoming content but opens the door to an exclusive art community and the ability to earn royalties, creating a truly unique relationship between creators and their fans.


  1. The NFT space lacks regulatory clarity and can be confusing, with challenges including currency fluctuations, an influx of new cryptocurrencies, fraudulent transactions, and tax complexities.
  2. The underlying technology, Web3, is still in development, making the NFT market resemble an unregulated frontier with both opportunities and risks.
  3. NFTs come with inherent risks, requiring a significant time and financial commitment with no guaranteed returns due to the unpredictable nature of the market and cryptocurrency volatility.


NFTs have gained popularity as a way for makers, collectors, and investors to monetize their art or collectibles. They offer a way to make money passively through token sales and also gain exposure in the digital asset industry. With advances in technology, NFT is being used for purposes beyond just design and collection, offering opportunities for those interested in acquiring property It is important to start building NFT, manufacturing analyzing, and understanding the costs, space, and equipment required to digitize the assets. As technology advances, NFTs are poised to play a larger role in the digital realm, offering new ways to access, market.